Download Ebook SiveBy John B Keane

Download Ebook SiveBy John B Keane

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SiveBy John B Keane

SiveBy John B Keane

SiveBy John B Keane

Download Ebook SiveBy John B Keane

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SiveBy John B Keane

Sive is a young and beautiful orphan who lives with her uncle Mike, his wife Mena and his mother Nanna. A local matchmaker, Thomasheen Seán Rua, wants Sive to marry an old man called Sean Dóta. Thomasheen convinces Mike and Mena to organise the marriage. They will receive a sum of two hundred pounds as soon as she marries him. However, Sive is in love with a young man, Liam Scuab. But Liam is not suitable and is refused permission to marry Sive. Sive is distraught but is forced to do the will of her uncle and his bitter wife. Faced with an unthinkable future she takes the only choice left to her. Set against the harsh poverty and difficult times of 1950s Ireland, Sive caused considerable controversy on its debut in February 1959. Since then it has become an established part of Ireland's theatrical canon.

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #809834 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-05-01
  • Released on: 2012-08-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author John B. Keane, playwright, poet and fiction writer, was born in Listowel, Co. Kerry, in 1928 and died in his home town on 30 May 2002. One of Ireland's most popular authors, his plays include The Field, Big Maggie and Sharon's Grave.

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